Refund and Returns Policy

New and Unused Product

Beast Hobby offers a (30) day return policy on all new unopened equipment, starting from the date the product(s) was delivered to the customer. Anything beyond (30) days of delivery will not be eligible for return. If the product(s) received have been opened, used, or damaged, no return options will be offered. If the item is in brand new condition but requires to be repackaged a (5%) restocking fee will be applied. The shipping cost for any unwanted product will not be refunded by Beast Hobby (It is recommended to choose a return shipping method with tracking).

For returns on New and Unused Product, we require that items are brand new with no signs of use. Packaging needs to be undamaged and fully intact and contains included accessories, cables, batteries, manuals, etc.  We require proof of new condition with high-quality photos or a high-quality video showing that item(s) is in new condition with all included accessories. Warranty seal(s) need to be intact on the packaging. In the case that the item(s) is returned and the condition is not in New and Unused or included accessories are missing, the return will not be completed and the item(s) will be returned back to the customer.

General Accessories

Products not specifically listed, such as; antennas, monitors, hardware, and general accessories are covered by a (30) day manufacture defect warranty. If a problem occurs from a defect in the product an exchange or store credit will be issued. Beast Hobby holds the right to refuse any products which have been deemed to be damaged by the customer and not related to a manufacturer issue.  

FPV Cameras

FPV cameras are covered by a (30) day manufacturer defect warranty. The warranty does not cover damage from external forces, electrical fire, power surges, water damage, or tampering. Once approved, an exchange or store credit will be provided.

FPV Goggles

FPV goggles carry a (30) day warranty in the event of a manufacturer defect. The manufacturer’s warranty does not cover any damage caused by drops, wear, and tear, water damage, electrical damage, or damage caused by user alterations.

Flight Controllers / ESC / VTX

All flight controllers (FC), electronic speed controllers (ESC), video transmitters (VTX), power distribution boards (PDB), and similar electronic components are covered under a (15) day Beast Hobby warranty. These items are covered in the event of a manufacturer defect. This policy does not cover any of the following: user error, damage to the components upon installation/dismantle, modifications, power surges, electrical fire, or water damage. (Beast Hobby recommends testing all components for shorts before supplying power).

Motors / Servos

Motors and servos sold by Beast Hobby are covered by a (30) day warranty for manufacturer defects. If an issue occurs within (30) days; Beast Hobby will exchange the defective product. If the product is unavailable or has been discontinued, a store credit may be issued. Motors with physical damage, modifications, or general abuse will not be eligible to receive a credit and will be disposed of. NOTE** Please check all motor screws for proper length before spinning up.


Ready-to-Fly drones built and sold by Beast Hobby carry a (15) day return policy. In the occurrence of a malfunction, Beast Hobby will repair or replace it with an original or similar model. If a replacement model is not available a store credit may be issued instead. Beast Hobby holds the right to refuse any return which shows signs of; modification, fire/water damage, electrical short, or general misuse. Beast Hobby recommends inspecting all RTF’s thoroughly before supplying battery power.

DJI Product

All DJI products are covered under a (14) day return policy for unopened and unregistered items. If the unwanted products have been used or opened Beast Hobby will not be able to accept the return. ** DJI requests that all warranty/defective claims be handled directly between the DJI and the Consumer.  


Batteries produced and sold by Beast Hobby carry a (15) day warranty covering dead on arrival (DOA) and manufacture defects. Excludes all batteries that show signs of misuse, overcharging, impact damage or water damage. All battery returns must be approved by Beast Hobby via an emailed image of the defective battery to, Upon approval please dispose of the damaged battery in a safe manner and the exchange or credit will be issued.   


Beast Hobby does not offer a refund on Premium Technical Support services purchased.  However, the value remains in Premium Technical Support can be used as a payment method (same as GetFPV gift cards).

Return process

  1. Request a Return/Exchange online or over the phone with a Beast Hobby Representative.
  2. Once accepted we will send you a return label if the returned product is defective. If the product is new and unwanted, you will need to arrange for return shipping to us. Tracking is not required when returning new and unwanted items but is recommended.  
  3. Please allow 3-5 business days for processing once your order arrives at our facility. Items requiring extensive testing could take up to 7-14 business days.
  4. An exchange or credit will be issued to the customer once approved by a Beast Hobby representative.

*All returns and exchanges are at the discretion of Beast Hobby.    

Reimbursement for the return shipping cost only applies to actual shipping cost or postage, this does not include shipping or packing materials.